Hi Mark,

On 21.04.20 at 04:05 Mark Reynolds wrote:

> The first place you should look is the official documentation, it covers the 
> new
> CLI and UI processes, including replication.
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_directory_server/11/

Thanks for the answer. Will check that and come back if questions arise.

How much backwards can I use the RedHat documentation without fear of it being

As some of the older documentation is using  e.g. db2ldif instead of the newer
`dsctl localhost db2ldif`, it would be good to know which versions to trust and
which ones to ignore. Is there some kind of overview? Or a list of features that
were changed in a non-backward-compatible manner?

I guess 11 is safe:
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_directory_server/11/

Kind Regards,

Johannes Kastl
Linux Consultant & Trainer
Tel.: +49 (0) 151 2372 5802
Mail: ka...@b1-systems.de

B1 Systems GmbH
Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg
GF: Ralph Dehner
Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537

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