>>>      passwordStorageScheme: SSHA512
>>> But if passwords are already in PBKDF2, then you will have to reset those 
>>> passwords.  There is no undoing it without a full reset of the password at 
>>> this time.
>> Yes, that's what the docs say, but a simple bind seems to be enough for me. 
>> I tested this and actually I could go back and forth between storage schemes 
>> using a simple bind. 
> In newer versions we do have a "update password on bind", but I didn't think 
> it was in that version and I wasn't sure if it downgraded schemes.  I guess 
> it does :-)

It "updates" to the current default scheme, which if you haven't defined will 
be PBKDF2, so for most sites it's an "upgrade". But as you note, if you 
over-ride this and set your own scheme, on bind, yes it will "downgrade" to the 
type you need. IIRC there is actually a test for that exact use case in the 
integration test suites ... 

>> I am very happy with 389ds, its saved my ass...
> Great, we really appreciate that!

Awesome! If you have more questions we'd love to hear them :) 


William Brown

Senior Software Engineer, 389 Directory Server
SUSE Labs, Australia
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