Hi all,

In one my application i use this sequence for sent the emails
 $err:=SMTP_New ($SMTP_ID)
  $err:=SMTP_Host ($SMTP_ID;[AGENTI]Smtp)
  $err:=SMTP_From ($SMTP_ID;[AGENTI]Mail)
  $err:=SMTP_Subject ($SMTP_ID;$Subject)
  $err:=SMTP_To ($SMTP_ID;[FLAG]MailDestOrdini)
  $err:=SMTP_Body ($SMTP_ID;$Body)
Today one my customer say to me that he have changed the server mail and the new server mail use differents ports, not standard ports. From today the send of the mail not work and give the error:
-11001 Requested database information does not exist; as confirmed by an
authoritative host

Someone know the solution?

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