I'll go out on a limb and say this is simply not feasible with 4D.

BUT - the situation can be ameliorated by moving all that code out of form
objects (the buttons, the field scripts, everything) into a form controller
method project method. I've posted a lot about this in terms of managing
the form objects but another benefit is you wind up with form object code
that can be called outside of the form. And that means you can test it.

This doesn't speak to the issues you brought up about the actual formatting
on the screen. That's just always going to have to be done by hand until we
get more program control over all the form objects.

With a form controller method you get them completely separated. This could
allow you to build the form as a web area instead of a 4D form, for
instance, and still use the same object names and mechanics as the form.

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Lee Hinde <leehi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I wish there was some sort of gui tester that worked. I've done two <=v12
> -> v15 updates in the past year where there was a seemingly never ending
> dribble of form adjustments needed because fonts changed or lines
> disappeared.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA
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