Hey Tim,
Thanks for the reply. Rolling back isn't an option as this is one of the
new machines and it's not going to roll anywhere but forward I think. I'm
trying out VMware Fusion. I created a vm on my old laptop (10.10) and am
moving it over to my new one now. With luck that will offer me an option
while this sorts itself out.

It's funny - I was unboxing and setting this one up yesterday within
minutes of the time you all were releasing 15.3.

I suspected I'd be dealing with some of this sort of stuff buying into
brand new Apple hardware. Haven't done that in a while. Have to say, it's a
pretty sweet machine.

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Timothy Penner <tpen...@4d.com> wrote:

> Indeed, the 16B2657 build of Sierra does not play well with 4D, while the
> older and newer builds of Sierra seem to be much better.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA
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