On 18 Dec 2016, at 11:22 am, Cannon Smith <can...@synergyfarmsolutions.com> 
> I think there used to be a Debug Log Analyzer tool for v11. Does anyone know 
> if there is something similar for the new debug log format in v14+? Something 
> that would work with v16 log files?

Hi Cannon

Aside from our debug parser, there is a new version of the debug log analyzer 
which works with the v14+ log file format: http://kb.4d.com/assetid=77198

Which to use depends on your requirements. The analyzer tool provides more 
aggregated data so you can see things like which commands are used the most, or 
take the longest, etc.

Our debug parser provides the commands with parameters as they were called, in 
order, and separated by process and log session. It is more useful if you're 
trying to track where an application is crashing or why it isn't behaving as 
you would expect.

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