With 4D v16.0 the event "On Column Resize" fires live during resize of listbox 

This has severe effects on methods who do stuff after resizing a column. If the 
method takes to long irt is invoked again while it is still running which 
results sooner or later in a stack overflow and subsequently a crash.

I'd wish there was a "On After Column Resize" event for methods who take place 
after the fact and not during the resize action.

Any strategies to cope with the current implementation in v16?

Tilman Haerdle
extragroup GmbH
Pottkamp 19
48149 Münster

Mobil: +49 178 721 5210 (Skype: TilmanHaerdle)
Fax: +49 251 39089-10
WWW: http://www.extragroup.de
Email: tilman.haer...@extragroup.de

Geschäftsführer: Lars Busch
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Münster / HRB: 5624 Steuer Nr.: 337/5903/0421 - 
UstID: DE 204607841

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