I am attempting to use the LDAP LOGIN command with v16 32 bit on Windows 10 to 
connect a Windows AD on a Windows 2016 Server.

At the bottom are two scenarios I've tried using with the Administrator User ID 
and Password for the server. The User ID and Password are identical to what I 
type when accessing that server using Remote Desktop or to login the server 
from the console, so they are valid. I have used the generic "password" value 
in the code below for security. We use the real password value for testing.

Scenario one finds the server but appears to fail to successfully authenticate 
the User ID and password combination. We have also tried prefacing the User ID 
with variations of the domain "FacilitateTest/", "FaciilitateTest\", 
"Facilitate/", "Faciilitate\", "Facilitate.Test/", "Faciilitate.Test\". Nothing 
has worked.

On Thursday we are meeting with our Active Directory consultant to see if they 
can see why we are having problems.

Before doing that I thought I'd also reach out to the 4D Community in the event 
that I am doing something stupid with respect to using this command.

In both scenarios I notice that it says "Using Password: Yes." I assume the 
"Yes" is not the password it thinks I'm using but instead that it is confirming 
I am using a password.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Also, does anyone know of a third party Active Directory server which we could 
briefly use to test against using the LDAP LOGIN command. If so, can you 
provide us with the command and parameters for use to quickly test?

This would ensure that it is something unique with our Active Directory 
implementation versus a problem related to the 4D code, etc.


Scenario 1

LDAP LOGIN("ldaps://server2016.facilitate.test:636";"Administrator";"password")

LDAP error: "Invalid credentials". code 49.

No Description
1001 LDAP error: "Invalid credentials". code 49.
1004 Could not bind with "Administrator" (using password: Yes).

Scenario 2

LDAP LOGIN("ldaps://server2016.facilitate.test:389";"Administrator";"password")

LDAP error: "Can't contact LDAP server". code -1.

No Description
1001 LDAP error: "Can't contact LDAP server". code -1.
1004 Could not bind with "administrator" (using password: Yes).

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