Hi all.
We are using 4D v15.2 on Win7, Win10, Win Server 2012 (or similar). All good.

We have just tested 4D v15.4 and v15.4 HF1 and found both to freeze whenever we 
print preview a report.
All seems to work fine until about the point where 4D would hand off control to 
XPS Viewer, and then 4D freezes.

After force quit, starting the exact same structure (and data) with 4D v15.2 
and print preview works fine, so I don’t believe it is the XPS printer at fault.

We were in the final stages of testing our application prior to releasing a new 
version that was going to use 4D v15.4.
This show stopper has prevented that.
4D Tech Support are unable to duplicate the problem.

Has anyone else seen this?
Did you find a way to fix it?
Cheers, Keith
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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