> Le 26 mars 2017 à 22:14, Bruno LEGAY via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> a 
> écrit :
>> [...]
>> $0:=($1-Date("01/01/1970"))*(60*60*24)+($2*1)+$vl_Unix_Timestamp_Offset
> Avoid using Date() to convert a string to a date because this will rely on 
> the date being formatted according to you current system setting...

I suppose Bruno meant he'd write this instead:

  $0:=($1-Add to date(!00/00/00!;1970;1;1))...

For my own, I always use Add to date when a computation of date is needed, but 
here the "origin" date is hardcoded so I'd suggest:



Arnaud de Montard 

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