Ctr+Alt+Right Mouse +Left Mouse


Randy Engle
XC2 Software LLC

-----Original Message-----
From: 4D_Tech [mailto:4d_tech-boun...@lists.4d.com] On Behalf Of Pat Bensky via 
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2017 6:27 AM
To: 4D iNug Technical <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>
Cc: Pat Bensky <pben...@gmail.com>
Subject: Moving a window

Should be easy enough ... right?
Using Windows 7 (or any version of Windows, probably) we've opened a window in 
a new process, and it has somehow got itself moved up too far so that the title 
bar is hidden. On the Mac I can easily fix this by cmd+ctrl+click and drag. On 
Windows this can be done by typing Alt-spacebar-M. But that only works on the 
main 4D window - not the process window.

How can I move the process window if I don't have access to the title bar?

CatBase - The Database Publishing Solution
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