Hi Peter,

I have not implemented this, but I'm contemplating it for a component that 
would need to initially create some table structure in the host component. If 
you want to export/import a subset of tables, it seems not too hard to export 
the XML structure and then parse it to create a new XML file with just the 
parts you want. So if I only want 3 tables out of 100, the new XML file would 
just have those three tables and the relations between them.

Not worth it if this is a one off transfer, but it seems like something that 
could be generalized if needed more than once.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

> On Apr 5, 2017, at 9:07 AM, Peter Jakobsson via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> Thanks for that suggestion.
> I tried that but in a complex structure it’s quite a footery and unsystematic 
> process. You’ve got to identify tag blocks indirectly by UUID and so on and I 
> found it didn’t save much time over just redrawing the relations manually. It 
> probably works better when you’re transferring an entire structure rather 
> than having to fish out the stuff you want from a superset.

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