I have converted a v13 database to v15.

I am playing around with v15 to see what is broken.
the first thing I found that is broken is:
appending a menu item with a pre-defined (4D defined) function.

If the user is allowed (admin or designer) a method is called to append 
a menu item to the first menu of the current menu bar, "Goto Design". 
This works correctly in v13, and v12.

The menu item *is* added to the 1st menu, however, invoking it does 

The code is here:
  //(m) utl_menu_Add_Design_Access
  //$1 - longint (optional) - process to which add designer menu item

  // ∙ Created 12/14/16 by Chip - 
  //∙ Updated 1/3/17 by Chip - need to count items to stop adding 2 or 
more times
  //    added check on user permission

If (Count parameters=1)
$Process:=Current process
End if 
$Item_Count:=Count menu items(1)

If ($Item_Count<11) & (utl_usrgrp_Is_User_Admin )
APPEND MENU ITEM(1;"Goto Design";"";$Process)

Associated standard action;Return to design mode;\
SET MENU ITEM SHORTCUT(1;-1;"F";Shift key mask;$Process)
End if 

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Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
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