On May 21, 2017, at 9:00 PM, Kirk Brooks wrote:

> Checking index pages on Cluster Index 167 on DOX_ATTACH._data ,
> DOX_ATTACH.record_id (tableName_recordId) [200 errors]
> I'm not sure what else to do besides dropping the index. I'm assuming,
> perhaps incorrectly, that if the data are good the index should be able to
> write itself correctly.
> I'm hoping one of you can give me some insight into how to correct this.
> The server is running 15.3 on Win 7.

I had a situation with a damaged index and trashed the .4dindx file to rebuild 
all indexes. I ran MSC again and the index damage was still there. I did an MSC 
data file repair and that fixed the problem. 

I had the same idea as you Kirk that index damage could be fixed with just an 
index rebuild but in this situation it required a data file repair. 

Curious what kind of index damage you had. Mine mentioned something about "null 
clusters" if I remember correctly. 

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