I’m working on some server health reporting. I can get the percentage of table 
fragmentation using "Get table fragmentation” for each table. I’m not quite 
sure what to do with it, though. I’d like to get a report when the overall 
fragmentation reaches some threshold where it might be worth compacting the 
datafile. 20% is suggested by on tech note.

But I suspect the number of records matters. For example, if a table only has 
100 records, I probably don’t care if it is even 80% fragmented. But if a table 
has 10 million records and is used a lot, I may not even want 20% 
fragmentation. And, if only one table is fragmented and the rest are fine, 
maybe it is worth compacting? But probably not in all cases?

Has anyone worked out some logic that can be automated and which takes these 
kinds of things into account to let you know when it makes sense to compact the 
whole datafile?


Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

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