I could not find it in the archives, so I quickly wrote a method to strip two 
unwanted, but unidentified characters from a body of text (6mb).  Each 
acceptable character was added to the output text var.  I stopped it after an 
hour of the compiled code not returning a result.

Since I am always impressed at how fast 4D commands are, I gave "Replace 
string" a try.
The same text file took 37 seconds to clean two offending characters, and 17 
seconds to clean all but uppercase only characters from the same text, and in 
interpreted mode.  It took about 4 seconds in compiled mode for both tests.

Here's the code.

Keith - CDI

  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // Method: StringOmit
  // -   Uses REPLACE STRING* to clear characters
  // INPUT1: Text - to strip
  // INPUT2: Longint - lowest allowed character code
  // INPUT3: Longint - highest allowed character code
  // INPUT{4}: Longint - additional allowed character codes
  // OUTPUT:  Text - with remaining characters
  // ----------------------------------------------------


$cp:=Count parameters
If ($cp>3)
        ARRAY LONGINT($added;0)
        For ($i;4;$cp)
                APPEND TO ARRAY($added;${$i})
        End for 
End if 


If ($hasAdded)  // also test the array of additional characters
        While ($start<=$len) & ($i>($len+1))
                For ($i;$start;$len)
                        $cc:=Character code($inText[[$i]])
                        If ($cc<$low) | ($cc>$high) & (Find in 
                                $inText:=Replace string($inText;Char($cc);"";*)
                        End if 
                End for 
        End while 
Else   // no point in testing an empty array 
        While ($start<=$len) & ($i>($len+1))
                For ($i;$start;$len)
                        $cc:=Character code($inText[[$i]])
                        If ($cc<$low) | ($cc>$high)
                                $inText:=Replace string($inText;Char($cc);"";*)
                        End if 
                End for 
        End while 
End if 


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