I have a database that use AP Print settings to BLOB /  AP BLOB to print
settings. After complains from users appeared recently, I did some testing,
and found out that the commands do not work reliably. For example, using
the same printer, on Mac I get about 20kB blob from AP Print settings to
BLOB and when passed back, stored settings are correctly applied. On
Windows, AP Print settings to BLOB returns a blob of only 194 bytes that
seems empty, and when using it, nothing happens (default settings are used.)

Both calls on all platforms return 1 - no error. Do somebody uses these
commands successfully and are thee known problems (with a workaround?)
Could it be that commands stopped to work on Windows 10?

Tested on Mac OS 10.12, Windows 10 and 4D 15.4 with API Pack 15.4.


Peter Bozek
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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