On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:01 AM, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

I've been messing around with type ahead recently. I came across that as
> well and I seem to recall the solution was some 'regular' type ahead
> methodology wired up to the list box. So you'd still have the list object
> as a separate object on your form and move/show it when doing entry on the
> listbox cell. Then hide it when done. And if you want to include a 'shadow'
> TA object (to show what the TA completion would be if you selected it at
> that moment - looks like the placeholder) it's more complicated by issues
> of transparency and z-axis locations. Sigh.

Sigh :( Thanks for letting me know all the same....

If anyone can think up a clear feature request, post back here! This looks
like something a lot of folks would vote for. It's an ideal request in a
few ways because
* Lots of people already want it.
* Lots more people would want it as soon as it was available.
* It's sounds pretty over-the-top hard to do today.

I'd bet 4D could do a very nice job of adding as an optional behavior on a
listbox column. Like, 'it has to be sorted and then when the object has
focus, we'll use a binary search to find the best place for where they've
typed.' After that, they could apply the same logic to the Explorer window
where type-ahead only seems to respect 2-3 characters...
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