If I understand nested transaction correctly, it's like creating an invoice 
master in a transaction (remain opened), then add invoice line item in nested 
transaction (start and end nested transaction in one go), add nth line of 
invoice items in new
nested transaction continously. Failure of one nested transaction won't affect 
other nested transaction. User simply correct the failed one and move on. At 
the end, if user cancel the invoice master (not line item) opened transaction, 
all completed
nested transactions would also be rolled back. It means as long as the invoice 
master transaction was not ended (validate or cancel), all other related 
records like inventory of those items or item master (if summary info was kept 
there) would be
locked. Other users might not be able to access them during the period.

If there's no UI, why you need nested transaction? It's all on assumption of my 
understanding on nested transaction and could be wrong.

Alan Chan

4D iNug Technical <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> writes:
>They execute in milliseconds as I never put user interfaces - or even alerts - 
>inside transactions. Just a lot of error handling and then report the error 
>after the final CANCEL TRANSACTION.

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