Thanks for the pointers to Hashing functions!

Im putting together a file re-namer utility.
drag n drop file from file system to 4D window, allow the user to do 
various renaming functions with the files/folders.  
i.e. add/change/remove an extension, rename, make visible/invisible, 
add/remove characters, Case manipulation etc.

In 4D the file system objects are displayed in an array based list box.
I display a small icon (screen grab of generic file and folder icons) 
to visually show the user what the file system object is.

I thought that since I already had this data tied to the row (file or 
folder) I could use it, the icon/picture, rather then have to 
'duplicate' this data. Some functions pertain only to files - filename 
extensions, and some pertain only to folders - <do stuff> with content.

It was simpler to just 'duplicate' the data by saving a file system 
object type into another array; then to pursue using the icon/picture 
as the key, especially as  FIND IN ARRAY doesn't work on pictures.

On Fri, 14 Jul 2017 14:00:45 +1000, David Adams via 4D_Tech wrote:
> I don't really understand you're using icons as keys, but if you do go with
> a hashing solution (clever idea!), the HashTools component from some years
> back supports text, blobs, pictures, and documents. It offers a variety of
> hash functions. Instead of an 'expensive' cryptographically oriented hash
> like MD5, the HashTools functions return a simple longint quite quickly.
> This is the sort of hashing you would normally use for calculating what
> "bucket" to put data in within a hash table, for example.
> The HashTools Component
> Optimizing Searches with Hashes
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