> On 27 Jul 2017, at 15:43, Epperlein, Lutz (agendo) via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> OK, found it. It is possible. (To be honest, I didn't expect anything else)
> The only question is now, how do I combine the code developed using 4D's 
> object commands with the NTK JSON API?

Hi Lutz,

Unfortunately the 4D Plugin SDK provides no direct support for C_OBJECT.

The solution is quite simple:
Use JSON Stringify to serialise the object to a JSON string. You can then pass 
this string to the NTK JSON commands.
When you need to do the reverse, you ask NTK to create a JSON string for you, 
which you can then pass to JSON Parse to get a C_OBJECT back.

So it is quite easy to mix it with existing code.


- Rob Laveaux

Pluggers Software
Scholekstersingel 48
2496 MP  Den Haag
The Netherlands

Email: rob.lave...@pluggers.nl <mailto:rob.lave...@pluggers.nl>
Website: http://www.pluggers.nl <http://www.pluggers.nl/>


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