I use this model too with a C_OBJECT and ARRAY BLOB. Element 0 is the JSON 
manifest; any types not easily represented in JSON are other elements in the 
blob array. This makes it easy to pack all 4D data types into a single unit. I 
use it to may remote procedure calls from one 4D version to another over HTTP.

It would be great if the plugin API supported objects. Do you know if that is 
ever going to happen?

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

> On Aug 1, 2017, at 1:06 AM, Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> I have found the C_TEXT + ARRAY BLOB combo to be quite useful.
> textual data are represented in the text which is a JSON catalog.
> arbitrary data are referenced by a number in the JSON,
> which is the element number for the BLOB array.

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