
That is a requirement of Health Care Systems in Canada for more than 15 years. 
It is actually a good idea. Fortunately there is an ‘easy’ way to do it and it 
does not take once ounce of programming (not good for billable hours). The 
clients purchase the drive controllers and drives (if using existing servers) 
that encrypt all data on the drive. All servers we purchase now, have this 
hardware feature in them. This works with SSDs as well.

The speed is such that there even large sites do not notice a reduction of 
performance of the system.

Jody Bevan
ARGUS Productions Inc.

Argus Productions Inc. <https://www.facebook.com/ArgusProductions/>

> On Aug 2, 2017, at 8:22 AM, Justin Will via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> I have had a request to have a system have all data at rest encrypted.  My 
> understanding is that they actually want the 4D datafile and backups 
> encrypted at all times.  Have others had to deal with this and if so what 
> options did you find available and what did you choose as your solution?
> Thanks
> Justin Will

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