> I can’t speak to any performance differences when using them as indexed key 
> fields for searches … they likely have similar performance, but that’s just a 
> guess.

I can speak to the performance, they are not the same. UUID is faster.

4D uses BTrees (binary trees or sometimes called red/black trees) to store 
index structures. A sequential number is the slowest possible way to create or 
add to a BTree. The treee needs to remain balanced, so there is a lot of 
rebalancing the needs to occur when numbers are added sequentially. UUID’s are 
much more random and require less tree balancing and are therefore faster for 
delete, create operations.

I started using UUID since version 11 and love them.

Neil Dennis
4D Developer since 1990

GreaText - Designing Software for the Way You Work
716 East 1850 N
North Ogden, UT 84414


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