Hey smart guys!

Maybe I'm just being a dope, but I'm not coming up with an easy solution:

I need to get some info from a specific 4D Client instance

In this particular case, I've got the web server running on the client, and I 
want to know if the web server is in fact running.

The best I've come up with is:

EXECUTE ON CLIENT, and have the target client create a record in my 
[Intersystem_Message] Table with the info I need.
Then wait a few ticks and query for that record and read the info.

Or have the Target client do an EXECUTE ON CLIENT back to the calling client.

Seems rather clunky.

Would love to have a similar function as the "Execute on Server" attribute, 
only for a specific client.
But that's probably too much to ask...  😉

I'm probably missing something ridiculously obvious.

I'm sure at least some of you brilliant lads have come up with a cool solution 
for this.

Love to hear about it.


Randy Engle
XC2 Software LLC – XC2LIVE!

I'm not one to wait until the last minute, so....

At next year's 4D Summit (April 2018)
Yet one more time, there will be the Summit "Vinofest"
I've booked a suite, so we won't be trying to cram in 20 people in a small 
hotel room.
(And maybe we won't have security show up to kick everyone out!)
To all of you who have shown up in the past, and all of you who would like to 
indulge this next time, you're invited!
Will be on Monday April 2 (evening of the meet and greet event)
Details to follow in the future.

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