Hi Tony,

Do you mean with HTTP Get or HTTP Request? I ran into this a few weeks ago 
because my own cert hadn’t updated like I thought it did. It turns out that the 
HTTP Get/HTTP Request commands will simply hang. Forever.

I probably should have filed a bug, but at the time I was _way_ more concerned 
about getting the cert working correctly.

P.S. That reminds me, the HTTP Get/HTTP Request commands were being run inside 
a worker process (not preemptive). I found that when I killed the process, 
subsequent calls to the process would not relaunch it. I forgot to look into 
that further—just remembered it now. Has anyone else seen that?

(v16.1, Mac, 64-bit for both issues.)

Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

> On Aug 17, 2017, at 12:50 PM, Tony Ringsmuth via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> Scenario:  4D Server (or client) attempts to act as a web service client to a 
> Web service that’s running with an expired cert.
> Will 4D proceed and connect?
> Or, will it stop, with errors feedback of some kind?

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