Hi Miyako,

Thanks for your answer. As I understand correctly the only way to get rid of 
the lines is by changing system appearances in OSX.



Miyako wrote :


the Header of a listbox takes after the appearance of a standard menu bar.

on Windows 10, the menu bar happens to be white and has no borders and so does 
the Header.

but you can configure system appearances (themes) and that will have an effect 
on Headers too.

as for borders on Mac, you should be able to see that the borders of the 
Listbox itself can be hidden,

in which case the borders of the Header on the sides are also gone.

the lines above and below the Header are thinner than what you can define as a 
line in 4D,

I would assume that it originates with the system."

> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Piotr Chabot Stadhouders [mailto:p.stadhoud...@timeff.com]
> Verzonden: vrijdag 25 augustus 2017 9:56
> Aan: 4d_tech@lists.4d.com
> Onderwerp: Listbox header OSX
> Hi,
> 4D v16, OSX
> When I set the border line style of a listbox to none OSX still shows a line
> above the header. On windows this line disappears as expected.
> Does this make sense? Does anybody know how to get rid of the line above
> the listbox header on OSX?
> Gr,
> Piotr

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