For those of you following along at home or checking the archives in days
to come, I came across a really good lecture on interval trees:

It's presented by Robert Sedgewick. Yes, *that* Robert Sedgewick, the
algorithms guy. Well, the algorithms guy for people like me that just don't
have the background for Knuth. The lecture isn't enough to just run and
implement interval trees, but it does explain really well the basic concept
and illustrates exactly why it's such a powerful and tidy way to handle
interval searches.

Fair warning: If you don't understand binary search trees and how to build
and maintain them by hand, it probably won't make sense. If you do know
that already, the interval tree is a BST with some augmentation. When you
insert, you walk back up and attach some extra information to the node to
indicate the max value along the subtree path. (Likewise, you would have to
reset this value if you deleted the max element.) This small amount of
hinting costs a bit during insert/delete, but then saves you having to scan
parts of branches or even whole branches when searching. It's kind of

So, for anyone with an interest in this subject, check it out. The ultimate
benefit of this simple+powerful data structure is that insert/search/delete
are guaranteed to run in log N instead of N time. That's huge. That's what
you get from binary trees normally. Sedgewick says that the runtime for
finding all interval intersections is R log N, which is a huge advantage
over the alternative of N. It's just a massive, massive optimization.

This is a fairly specific problem, granted, but if your'e doing schedule
fitting, schedule/capacity analysis...or anything having to do with
intervals, this algorithm is the real deal. I'm talking about datetime
intervals, but intervals are any start-endpoint pair on a numberline, there
are lots of things like that other than date times.

P.S. For any Postgres fans, check out tsrange with a GIST index and the
OVERLAP operator. Subsecond results for scheduling range conflict
management with lots of rows.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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