Thanks to everyone who responded. My first problem was using the UTF8 text 
without length constant instead of “UTF-8”. Who knew they would be different! 
Thanks for pointing that out, Justin.

The main reason I didn’t want to have a BOM character was that JSON Parse 
chokes on such documents. I’ll file a bug for this. In the mean time, I’ve 
figured out a way to move forward and make peace with BOM characters while not 
affecting legacy systems until they are upgraded. It basically amounts to 
manually removing the BOM on a few files on FTP sites for awhile, but not the 
end of the world.

Thanks again for everyone’s help.

Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

> On Aug 30, 2017, at 5:31 PM, Justin Carr via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> The first thing I notice is that you are using the old BLOB to text and TEXT 
> TO BLOB constant (UTF8 text without length) with the TEXT TO DOCUMENT 
> command. This command uses either strings such as "UTF-8" or the 
> corresponding MIBEnum ID (the documentation for CONVERT FROM TEXT lists these 
> out). The UTF8 text without length constant has a value of 6 which 
> corresponds to ISO-8859-3 using MIBEnum IDs.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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