We started seeing the same problem when we upgraded to v15R5 too.  A process 
that ran for years on older versions just like Cannon described just stopped 
doing it’s thing.  A reboot resolves it.  We are seeing it on 32 bit server Mac 
& Windows.


David Conley
By The Book, Inc.
Office: 815-234-7530
Direct Line: 815-406-5502
Fax: 815-234-7532

> On Sep 8, 2017, at 4:13 PM, Stephen J. Orth via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> Cannon,
> I can provide only antidotal information, but we too are seeing something 
> like this.  We happen to be using V15 R5, which is basically V16, however 
> since upgrading to it we have seen A LOT of server related issues that we 
> have never encountered before.  The code ran just fine in V13...

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