I have started receiving 400 bad request errors on a website's served by 4D
the errors  occur using chrome 60.0.3112.116  on android 8.0.0  using
firefox on the same device has no problems using chrome 60.0.3112.116 on
android 6.0.1 device dose not have any problem I have had reports of this
problem on Apple devices however I do not have an apple device to test on I
have no problems on windows computers accessing the sites with any browser.

Problem seems to be isolated to chrome 60.0.3112.116  on android 8.0.0 and
likely apple devices

One site that has the problem has http://mcknight-law.com

The database is running on v14 R5 I have tested on 16 R3 with the same

Any help would be greatly appreciated

J Chatenay

Aware Data Services
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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