
I undertook a project a long long long time back to convert a pretty rich 
framework(for its time) from Area List to put that in time context 
it was when you could not buy any licences for Area List!

 At the time LB did not have anything like the abilities it had now but i can 
say i have never missed Area List and implement very easy listbox areas on all 
my forms even on new databases where i have only put bits of the framework 
in-including nice stuff like putting formula based columns onto field based 
listboxes. .(I would happily undertake to move anyone to listbox if you you 
want to farm the job out). 

Nigel Greenlee

> On 24 Sep 2017, at 20:20, Douglas von Roeder via 4D_Tech 
> <> wrote:
> Sannyasin:
> "I’m looking again seriously at Listboxes as a replacement for ALP. It’s
> close, but there’s a couple things that don’t quite work well in Listboxes
> for heavy data editing. I do both the programming and the data editing for
> this, so little glitches and funky UI things make a difference!"
> I haven't delved into LB's at much depth. Part of it is that ALP does what
> I need it to do and, to their credit, LB's are an easy transition from
> grouped scrollable areas. Having done multiple"no new features" upgrades
> from legacy versions of 4D this year, I appreciate that.
> In contrast, I worked on a project where LB's were required (ALP was not
> allowed) and it was absolutely clear that "the little glitches and funky UI
> things make a difference" to the point of having to figure out a *lot* of
> work arounds. I offered to buy ALP for the client but they were adamant
> so the UI was limited but chacun a son gout.
> BTW, converting the array to a text array and keeping the numeric array
> hidden might be your best bet. If LB's offer calculated columns, that would
> be a piece of cake.
> --
> Douglas von Roeder
> 949-336-2902
> On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 8:10 PM, Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami via 4D_Tech <
>> wrote:
>> Me too! (well not a couple of decades—at least 1 decade)
>> I’m looking again seriously at Listboxes as a replacement for ALP. It’s
>> close, but there’s a couple things that don’t quite work well in Listboxes
>> for heavy data editing. I do both the programming and the data editing for
>> this, so little glitches and funky UI things make a difference!
>> Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
>> On Sep 23, 2017, 5:04 PM -1000, wrote:
>> Sorry, that’s about it for me. I’ve been using AreaList Pro for a couple of
>> decades…
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