On Oct 10, 2017, at 11:12 AM, David Adams wrote:

> Typical, my "summary" is longer than the original.

You are a true trail blazer, David. And you know what they say… trail blazers 
are the ones that take the arrows. And you are definitely bloody from all your 
preemptive process work. Possible new title: Bloody, angry man shaking his 
fist. :)

And you make a good point that this is version 1 of the preemptive stuff. A lot 
of missing features, bugs and work arounds needed. But I bet by 4D v18 all 
these preemptive issues will get worked out and it will then things will be 
much easier.

And keep those summary long. They usually contain a lot of valuable 


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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