We've been using Miyako's HTML Converter plugin for quite a while.

We mostly use it to convert HTML to PDF docs

Works great.... except:

1.      Has an outdated version of OpenSSL (that US government agencies don't 

2.      Plays havoc on Windows 10 displaying graphics/buttons/menus etc.
        Requires setting compatibility settings in properties of 4D.exe:

        "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings"

So what we are mainly looking for is the ability to Convert HTML files to PDF
(Can do this with one line using above plugin)

The other stuff is good, but not currently using it.

Miyako?  Are you out there?
Any other ideas/solutions?

Yes, I could write something else, but a quicky replacement would be just great.

Many thanks

Randy Engle, Director
XC2 Software LLC – XC2LIVE!

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