to clarify:

- command number

the command number explained in this example corresponds to the right side of 
e.g. "3;1"
and it can be derived from manifest.json inside the plugin bundle (v14 SDK),
or a specific resource rsrc inside resources (mac) or RSR adjacent to the 4DX 
(windows) in legacy architecture.

- plugin number

the left side, which was the focus of this thread,
evidently corresponds to their position in PLUGIN LIST (bumped by the number of 
preinstalled legacy plugins)

- plugin ID

plugins are identified by their name.
they also have an internal integer ID,
but they are evidently not used for identification unless the value is lower 
than 15000.

- event ID

sometimes in the log file you see entry point numbers, normally negative,
which tells which event was process by the plugin.
they way plugins work is that the scheduler yields to every plugin for every 
defined event,
and the plugin may or may not take the opportunity to do something.
(like form objects, except the plugin does not assert in which set of events it 
is interested,
so it is called every time even though it may pass on the majority of events)

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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