Hi All,

I’m in the process of changing some SVG routines to be a bit more efficient (I 

Miyako showed me how to embed svg images as “defs”:

$defs:=SVG_Define_symbol ($domSvg_ptr->;"defs”) 

so I could reuse the graphics without reloading them several times. This part 
works perfectly.

Previously I would read the image from disk and resize and place:

$tDom_Image:=SVG_New_image ($$domSvg_ptr->;$image_t;$x;$y;$w;$h)

Worked great! no matter the size of the original svg image on disk which are in 
the neighborhood of 1000 pixels width/height (although there is variation). And 
I can’t set the originals to a fixed size because the end user can change the 
same image, in different places of the svg document, to different sizes. So I 
need to managing the image sizes dynamically.

Anyway, now that I am accessing these “defs” images using:

$glyph:=SVG_Use ($domSvg_ptr->;$id;$inX;$inY;$size_IntrcG;$size_IntrcG)         

I have to both resize the image and make sure it stays at the x/y coords I need.

But it’s not!

To reset the size I believe I have to use (0.02 being used for testing):

SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($glyph;0.02;0.02)                                      

To reposition at the x/y I believe I have to use:


The scaling seems to scale BUT the translate is not placing the images at the 
x/y location I need. Although, the attributes for the object look correct:

height - 14
transform - scale(0.02,0.02)
width - 14
x - 660
xlink:href - #S09
y - 660

I am assuming (until I know better) that these values are correct.

So I must be missing something? How do I control both the height/width (I think 
I am) and the exact x/y placement when I am creating an image using SVG_Use?



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