I’ve been working on a feature that I include in my 4D applications that allows 
the user to easily send me an email with a bug report.

The way it works is there is a toolbar button called “Bug Report” that the user 
clicks. It grabs some pertinent environment information about what the are 
doing in the 4D application and then opens a email with this information 
addressed to me. They can then add some details and send it to me.

This is easily accomplished with the OPEN WEB URL command using “mailto:”.

I’ve always wanted to be able to automatically create a screenshot and include 
that in the email. But “mailto:” doesn’t allow including attachments. So in the 
past I include in the email body instructions to the user:

"Include a screenshot by selecting the window, press Alt-PrtScr, click back on 
this email and press Ctrl-V to paste the image.”  (Windows users, of course)

I’ve finally gotten around to finishing this feature to make it work the way 
I’ve always wanted. And it works on both macOS and Windows. I won’t go into 
details here on how I implemented creating the email — AppleScript on macOS and 
VBA script on Windows — but I will share how I implemented automatically taking 
a screenshot.

First, I wanted to capture the entire screen, not just the frontmost window to 
get as much context as possible. I also wanted to support multiple monitors. 
I’ve got 2 monitors and most of my clients now have multiple monitors. The 
preference was to capture the currently active screen.

On macOS there is a built in command for doing this called “screencapture” that 
you can run with LEP. I have a method called “GetCurrentScreenNumber” that will 
return the screen number of the screen the frontmost window is located on. I 
can use that with SCREEN COORDINATES to grab just that screen.

On Windows I was not able to find a built in command to do this. Much searching 
lead me to a freeware program called “NirCmd”.  

This utility does a lot of things, but all I’m interested in is the 
“savescreenshotfull” command. I’m getting an image of all screens in case the 
user has moves the 4D MDI to a screen other than the main screen.

Here is my ScreenshotToFile method. You might find it useful.

  // ===========================================
  // PROJECT METHOD: ScreenshotToFile

  // PARAMETERS: $0 = path to file containing screenshot

  // DESCRIPTION: Take a screenshot in PNG format of the screen where the 
  // window is located and returns the path to the file containing it.

  // macOS support for multiple screens. On Windows you get all screens.

  // CREATED BY: Tim Nevels, Innovative Solutions ©2018
  // DATE: 1/5/18
  // ============================================



  // create temporary file path
$fileName_t:="Screenshot "+String(Current date;ISO date;Current time)+".png"
$fileName_t:=Replace string($fileName_t;"/";"-")  // replace slashes with 
dashes in file name
$fileName_t:=Replace string($fileName_t;":";".")  // replace colons with 
periods in file name
$filePath_t:=Temporary folder+$fileName_t

If (<>macOS_b)

     // get screen coordinates
   SCREEN COORDINATES($left;$top;$right;$bottom;GetCurrentScreenNumber )

     // get screenshot
   $command_t:="screencapture "+$screenRectOption_t+" "+GetPOSIXfilePath 

Else   // Windows

     // get screenshot
   $command_t:=Get 4D folder(Current resources folder)+"nircmdc.exe 
savescreenshotfull "+Char(Double quote)+$filePath_t+Char(Double quote)

   If ($errorStream_t#"")
      Msg ("Nircmdc.exe screen capture problem."+<>CR+$errorStream_t;"Error")
   End if 
End if 

  // return file path


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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