I agree it's worthwhile. Many of you will recall this hasn't always been my
quietly held opinion.

The biggest thing that changed? I actually started going to them.

The biggest benefits for me personally have been making personal
connections with people in the company and other developers. On the
technical side it's a great opportunity to be introduced to new
capabilities in the platform and see what other people are doing with 4D.
We are a small community so opportunities like this aren't as available as
other platforms. And it's particularly easy to get stuck in one way of
thinking about how to use 4D or doing something when the technology has
progressed and new options and tools have developed. Summits and the World
Tour are excellent opportunities to be challenged, inspired and informed.

I think the cost is consistent with 4D's approach to pricing in general.
Travel and lodging can make it a little pricy but again it's not out of

If you use 4D in a business context, have the time and budget I think it's
worth it. At least they have been for me for the past eight or nine years.

I must note that I am a presenter this year as well.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

*We go vote - they go home*

On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 9:11 AM, JPR via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>

> [JPR]
> Hi Guys,
> Recently I've received a lot of mails, from USA, Germany, France, etc.
> asking almost the same questions, so I've decided to do a global answer.
> Basically, the question looks like "I'm very busy, and I just would like to
> know if it's it worth it, to spend one day dedicated to this new version.
> You see, I'm on 4D for a zillion years, and I don't really see what you can
> say that I do not know yet, or that I can't learn by reading the
> documentation."
> My answer to this question is "Yes!"
> HTH,
> My very best,
> What do you say? I should develop the answer a little bit?
> OK, but I will not detail the training content, for I'm not good at
> advertising. Nevertheless, just some hints:
> - We will talk about Objects, and don't think that what you know from the
> V16R5 is enough, there is much more.
> - We will talk about Collections. Yes, I know, you use it, and you already
> know everything about it. At least this is what you believe. Developer of
> little faith, just wait until you will see Collections in the new version...
> - We will talk about Records, and don't think that the fact you use
> Records since the beginning will actually help you to go from 'Classic' to
> the New way.
> - We will talk about Selections, specially to explain how you can get rid
> of most of the limitations you had to bear for years.
> - We will talk about Relations, which become much more important, and I
> will tell you that what I told you in previous trainings is obsolete.
> - We will explain the Language. OK, OK, you already use the dot notation,
> and you think you have got everything, but frankly, read my lips, you
> didn't get everything...
> And much more, and the philosophy behind,  and the very new way of
> thinking 4D, and multiconnection, and Optimistic Locking, and Listboxes,
> etc.
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