On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 1:16 AM, John DeSoi via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> In the 4D case and in the cases below (plus PHP), I suspect a collection
> is really just an "object" (hash table) with numeric keys instead of string
> keys. For example, if I write
> $collection := New collection()
> $collection[247] := "fred"
> I doubt that it creates 247 (indexes 0-246) empty elements in the
> collection. Would love to hear confirmation or denial from some one at 4D
> that knows the internals.
In fact, Collection has some object-like properties. It can be  passed to
method as parameters and return values, it is - like object - manipulated
by reference, and the content is not typed (it means collection[3] can be a
number, and few lines later it can be a string, jsut like a.b .)


Peter Bozek
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