Hi all,

We have this problem as well. If someone finds out what Font has been removed (so that we can put it back), that would solve a lot of short term headaches, thanks

Allan Udy

Golden Micro Solutions Ltd, Blenheim, New Zealand

From: Robert ListMail<listm...@usersoft.com>

Hi Jim,

I have the same problem. From what I understand Microsoft removed the font that 
was being referenced in a recent update to Windows 10. Do you know what font 
was deprecated? In a pinch could you add the font back to Windows?


On May 9, 2018, at 8:02 AM, Jim Medlen via 4D_Tech<4d_tech@lists.4d.com>  wrote:

A very curious issue came up this week on Windows 10 clients.
All Fields and variables on a form that do not have a specific Font declared
are defaulting to Windings.

Jim Medlen
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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