On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 5:04 PM, Jeff Grann via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> Can someone please direct me to documentation on how to code sign apps for
> MacOS with 4D.  I need the entire process in a step-by-step guide from
> explaining how to obtain the code signing certificate from Apple through
> adding it to the 4D XML build files and building.
I would be interested as well. My experimentation with code signing shows
that cedesign utility is quite picky and error messages are not very
helpful. For example, the package must contain no extended attributes (for
example, no resource forks), no hidden files (like .DS_Store) and all
included code resources (like, plugins) need to be signed as well. I do not
see now how it can be achieved except for very trivial applications.


Peter Bozek
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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