Hi Chip,

Try defining the filter using the following pattern:

1) first character is the tilde character; then
2) starting quote character (escaped); then
3) allowed characters in filter, separated with semicolons; then
4) ending double quote character (escaped).

The following example allows only:

1) uppercase A thru Z; and
2) space; and
3) carriage return.

Call on form load event:
$filter_t:="~\"A-Z; ;"+Char(Carriage return)+"\""
OBJECT SET FILTER(*;"objNameOfTextBox";$filter_t)

Does this work for you?

- Jeremy French

> On Jun 29, 2018, at 12:39 PM, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Not working  :(
> I can not entry a return into the text area.
> I have this line of code in my form method:
> utl_text_Text_Entry_Filter (->[Department]Address)
>  //(m) utl_text_Text_Entry_Filter
>  //$1 - pointer - to text entry area
> C_POINTER($1;$Text_Area)
> C_TEXT($Filter;$0)
> $Text_Area:=$1
> $Filter:="&"+Quote_Char+Char(13)
> $Filter:=$Filter+Semi_Colon_Char+Text_Filter
> $Filter:=$Filter+Semi_Colon_Char+(2*BackSlash_Char)+Quote_Char
> $0:=$Filter
> OBJECT SET FILTER(($Text_Area->;$Filter)
> Text_Filter = 
> a-z;A-Z;0-9;_;-;:;`;.;&;^;%;@;(;);[;{;];};<;>;,;/;#;|;~;=;+;*;$;?;!;';_;.;,
> - I can enter all of the characters listed in the text filter, except a 
> return
> - There is no button tied to return
> - I removed the original filter I had on the address field
> - I removed the code behind the address field
> - I cleared the key short cut (enter) for the accept button
> - There is no object accepting return as a shortcut
> - (debugging) after Object Set Filter, Object Get Filter returns a 
> filter which includes '\r'
> - I placed the return at the front of the filter
> - I placed the return at the end of the filter
> - I added Char(10), just in case.
> - The final filter looks correct in the debugger
>  4Final_Filter : = 
> &"\r;\n;a-z;A-Z;0-9;_;-;:;`;.;&;^;%;@;(;);[;{;];};<;>;,;/;#;|;~;=;+;*;$;?;!;';_;.;,;\\"

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