Dave Nasralla:

> Nevermind, though I'm not entirely sure this isn't a kind of bug.
> If you change the Encoding by adding two equal signs to the end
> "eyJ1c2VySWQiOiJiMDhmODZhZi0zNWRhLTQ4ZjItOGZhYi1jZWYzOTA0NjYwYmQifQ=="
> It properly decodes to:
> {"userId":"b08f86af-35da-48f2-8fab-cef3904660bd"}

It´s not a 4D bug although 4Ds implementation could be better.
If you base64 encode your string the correct result includes the == at the end.
If you ommit them, then some decoders are more robust than 4Ds and can decode 
the string anyway but technically the string without the == ist not a properly 
base64 encoded string.

Greetings from Germany,
Bernd Fröhlich
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