We track certain events and send information about them an anonymized to our 

We focus on functions that are candidates for removal or functions where we 
would like to know how heavily they are being used.

We also track, when users update our software and when they update their 

The application our users are using is the same we use inhouse so we basically 
added some features that are available only internally.

We use 4DACTION to send JSON to our server.

We use a table with some metadata and an object field that contains all the 
event-specific information. This way, we never need to modify the design of the 
tracking table.

We also locally store the event information in our user's database to give full 
transparency on what we transfer to our server.

Anonymity is key - we do not transfer any personal data without our user's 


> Am 03.07.2018 um 20:55 schrieb Robert ListMail via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>:
> I just learned that Facebook is getting rid of a few apps, partially based on 
> low usage. So, in your 4D applications are you tracking usage levels of any 
> kind? I suppose it would be useful to know what features are heavily used and 
> which are almost never used. What metrics does your system collect that 
> you’ve found useful?
> Thanks,
> Robert
> Sent from my iPhone
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