What do you think and do?

I know that this ‘trend’ is started by the designers at Apple. When Apple 
starts a design trend then many thousands of developers follow it. To me, this 
trend is just like a fashion trend, rather than a functional trend. Yes I have 
read that the ‘reason’ is to let design take a back seat to content.

I agree that the interface should not be coloured up, and have moving objects, 
etc (like early web pages got when new HTML features came out). These are 
distractions. An interface should have a very consistent logical design to it, 
including the buttons, icons, and the colours chosen. This is the way we write 
our application and have these guidelines written out in our design standards. 
This design, and design guidelines come with our shell and shell documentation.

I was disappointed when I moved from 16R2 to 16R6 to see that 4D Inc had 
removed all the colour icons from their interface. As a user of an application 
appropriate colour helps me recognize an object quickly. A bit of splash of 
colour also enlivens the interface. 

Of course who am I, compared to the very successful Apple (in 1992 I would not 
have thought I would be saying that about Apple). They must know better than I, 
or do they.

Again - I think this is just a fashion and we will see it circle back to more 
colourful applications that are more ‘joyful’ to work with.

What do you think, and do in your development?


Jody Bevan

Argus Productions Inc. <https://www.facebook.com/ArgusProductions/>
+1 587-487-6120

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