Normally, if you just need to display the barcode on screen or print it,
the actual size or DPI of the barcode shouldn't matter,
especially if the format is SVG.

you just make sure the picture object has the desired dimensions on form,
and the display format set to "scale to fit proportional"

DPI matters if you specifically want 96 (Windows) DPI PNG/SVG instead of 72 
This is more a feature for exporting the image as a file,
as opposed to using it on a 4D form.

In any case, it is not a scaling option per-se.

The library has its own scaling options (ZINT_SCALE)
But if you prefer to use TRANSFORM PICTURE (which is comparable to the scale 
property of an image object)
you pass the scaling factor where 1=100%.

The original size can be obtained with PICTURE PROPERTIES,
so you could formulate a scale factor that results in the desired dimensions,
but as I mentioned above, that is not be your primary choice,
you should first consider the scale-to-fit image property.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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