from a C point of view,

you would have to be using 64-bit functions such as fseek64, _fseeki64.

besides, Quick Report, as the name suggests, is for quick and simple tasks.
to be honest, I don't think it was designed to handle files larger than 4GB.

(even YouTube before gangnam style wasn't designed for views above MAXLONG)

2018/07/25 1:13、Benedict, Tom via 4D_Tech 

I'm exporting data from 4D to a text file using the 4D Quick Report Editor in 
v13.x. It stopped writing to disk when the file size reached 4.0GB (4,194,304 
KB). The disk it is writing to has plenty of space on it. Is there a file size 
limit to exporting data using the 4D Quick Report Editor?

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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