Hey all,

This may be a bit obscure for most. Our system (for decades) has sent
plain text emails (mostly alerts and short notices). It's never been
an issue until the new Gmail interface. The new interface does not
render line breaks sent as a carriage return. Everything just runs
together. Line breaks sent as a carriage return plus line feed do
render correctly. Every other email client I have tested does fine
with just carriage returns (including the old Gmail interface.)

I know the RFC rules for headers require a CRLF, but it is less clear
about a message body.
I have an ongoing case with the G Suite tech support. We'll see what happens.

Side note: The funny thing about the G Suite tech support is that they
could not give me a gmail address I could send a demo email to show
them the issue directly. Instead the had me use the developer tools in
chrome to record a session. When I asked why they could not simply
look at the email in the gmail interface, they said they did not have
access to gmail from their system for security reasons. The irony
seemed a bit thick.


David Nasralla
Clean Air Engineering
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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