I don’t know - I rarely use 4D’s export and when I do it’s only for a quick 
text file (tab delimited) export.
I do my main exports using code and the csv version follows the cvs rules and 
it works great.
Sorry I can’t share the code - it is buried in a contracted project.
I suspect there are some 4Ders that have csv export code at their fingertips 
(or in a component) that may chip in here…
Cheers, Keith

> Is there an explicit CSV option in Export Data or Quick Reports that will 
> properly 'quote' and escape any commas (or tabs, unfortunately there are a 
> few) in the exported text fields?  If 4D can produce a file that I don't have 
> to inspect and manipulate prior to importing into Excel that would be 
> wonderful. 

>> There have been a couple of “export data” related threads lately that seem 
>> to be having problems with embedded CRs.
>> Where I have CRs in the data, I save the exported data as csv and that has 
>> always solved that problem for me.
>> Perhaps there is some reason that is not suitable for you...
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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