I am getting the following result:
Pasteboard data size($Transfer_Sig) = -102 

$Transfer_Sig = "com.4d.private.Data.Transfer"

I am trying to transfer data from 1 process to another using the 
I use semaphores to protect writing and reading from the pasteboard

Source process:
I use a 'transfer signature' which allows me to insure that I am 
getting what I expect.
I build a blob, using Variable to Blob 
 - 'data type' (text) internal to my code, in this instance "Longint 
 - a longint array

Blob is 76 bytes
I clear the pasteboard (Clear Pasteboard)
Append to Pasteboard ($Transfer_Sig; Blob)

In destination process
- I insure the writing has completed (above)
- Then check the size of the data on the pasteboard (Pasteboard Data 
this returns -102 which is an error - no data of that type

Source process
- after appending the blob to the pasteboard, Pasteboard Data size = 
size of the blob (76bytes)

Destination process:
Pasteboard Data size = -102

yes, I have checked that the transfer signatures is correct, 
copy/pasting between running processes.
I have modified the signature, shortening it.

Any help or insight into what is (or more likely not) happening?
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